Fuck social media.

Oh, boy, here it comes.

I see a buncha y’all heading over to Bluesky. Couple weeks ago, it was Threads. And before that it was Pillowfort, and so on and so on all the way back to fucking Livejournal, and then keep turning that wayback dial to the days of IRC in the attic of the Computer Sciences building on a monochrome VT320 in the early 90’s, back before a good number of you realized that AOL wasn’t the actual Internet and that the Internet was not just a “computer fad”, when my buddies and I were always talking about how hard we’re going to get fucked once the corporate world figured this shit out and moved online.

It didn’t take long. The next year, Prodigy launched, and we spent the next 20 years throwing AOL floppies, and their metal tins, into landfills. Wasn’t that fun? Didn’t you feel just great doing that? Wasn’t it awesome that we as a nation supported that with our dollars and our votes?

But I digress.

So yeah, here’s what happens: I create a social media profile and establish a presence. Nobody looks at my posts. People even claim that whatever I post doesn’t end up on their timeline. What the fuck? And zero interaction; Facepage or Spacebook or MyCooter or OnlyScams has decided that it would MUCH rather serve up ads trying to make me buy the latest viral product. So, I end up screaming into the void. Wasting my time.

I don’t think I want to do the social media song and dance anymore the way everyone else apparently can. So, I’m not. I can establish a presence on social media, and send you right the fuck back here where I can write my thoughts down without some unpaid 15-year-old moderator banning me off a community or subreddit for mistyping a god damned link. (Yes. It’s happened.)

The only attention I ever attract is from scammers. I get messages all day from strange men with two first names who would like for me to “kindly” send them money or bitcoin because nobody else in the damn world can be bothered to fucking work beyond harassing random American women on social media for free money. I did not sign up for that shit.

See? Can’t fucking use social media. I’d get banned for speaking my mind.

I think I’m going to blog on here from now on. If you want to read it, that’s great and if you don’t, that’s fine too. You can’t comment on my website, no. Why? Because the only comments I’ve had on artwork and whatnot in the past five years have been scammers trying to !fakecheck me OR trolls going on about politics. And I’m just done, guys. I am just. So. Fucking. Done. with all of that mess. And I am definitely not paying to host anybody else’s drivel.


You will find me here. You will find my bus here. You will find my artwork here.

Oh, and this site is not hosted in the United States. I’m on a server that pretty much lets me upload whatever I like without giving me shit over I said the C-word and it made Elon Musk cry. And you can’t shit all over my posts, because I’m not fucking going to let you. It’s called boundaries, dude. Meet mine.