Tea Time

Hi! Welcome to my blog!

Most of the stuff I’ve put here is “in progress” because I’m busy aggregating and compiling all this information into one place after trying, and failing, to archive it on social media. I found that social media is useless for storing information. I learned my lesson! So, here it is, on a website that I own and manage myself.

A NOTE TO VISITORS: I’m old. I’m busy. I’m a HUGE fan of written material, which isn’t surprising considering my career path. I don’t care to record and edit a lot of video tutorials. It takes energy. I can type fast and well, so most of my tutorials will be in print format. If you want to learn something useful, you’ll have to do it off a text wall. I’ll illustrate any tutorials with screenshots where necessary. It’s easier for me so this is my preferred format; however I do streams too, so you can also watch me working live, and I’m always happy to answer your questions.

Live Streaming – Currently not doing any streams just because it’s too intense and I’m dealing with enough at this time what with working fulltime and building my mobile art studio.

Image Galleries – It’s why we’re here.

My Resume (In progress) – Kinda useless because I’m retired, but I’ll paste it up here eventually. More just a list of stuff I know and projects I’ve been on.

Please feel free to browse the menu below for a list of topics that I tend to write about. Surprise, it’s all art stuff.

Adobe Illustrator (In progress) – Thought I’d stick a page in here about AI and write up a couple of tutorials. I’ve used Illustrator for over 20 years. For the artist designing any kind of promotional products or technical illustrations, this software is a must. It’s also used to letter comic books. It can be used to ink and color comics, although this is not commonly done.

Clip Studio Paint (In progress) – I’ve used it since it was Comic Studio and only in Japanese. It’s now considered the gold standard for illustration, and not just for comics. I’ve got it on my iPad and it’s my favorite digital sketching tool. Great software. I use this instead of Photoshop; I have Photoshop and I never ever use it.

Clip Studio Modeler (In progress) – Sets up 3D models to be used in Clip Studio Paint. It’s not really a “modeler” per se, it’s a setup tool.

ZBrush (In progress) – If you ever wanted to get into 3D modeling and do it seriously, this is the software to buy. 100%.

Keyshot (In progress) – Handy for product shots, especially jewelry. I just like it because it integrates with ZBrush and I can hop into and out of it really fast.

3DCoat – I like to use it to map my projects sometimes. The software was recently overhauled, as was the subscription system. I haven’t checked out the new version yet.

Side projects: Watercolor Painting – How do we keep our artistic skills sharp? By being artistic! It’s important to spend time away from the screens so we can hone our talents. Watercolor is a fun break for me. I like to fill my sketchbooks with beautiful, colorful, messy, inaccurate paintings. It’s very important to find joy in your art to help prevent burnout.

Personal notes – I might jot down a couple of thoughts here, although a more in depth diary/blog is located elsewhere and locked for just my friends and family to read.